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I've got mail

My mailman left me a note today.

Clearly, he's noticed my license plate frame (which says "Runner Girl / I run like a girl"), the issues of Runner's World that arrive every month and the postcards advertising upcoming races. (Now that I think about it, it's kind of scary how much postal workers must know about people from their mail.)


Hill repeats tonight. Don't tell anyone, but I think I love climbing.


Which is kind of a good thing, since apparently the Chesebro Half is insanely hilly. I studied the elevation map today (I know, I know -- I probably should've done this when I was registering instead of two weeks before race day), and there's a slight but steady climb from Mile 3 to 6 and then a very steep grade from Mile 6 to 8.

Even scarier: I read reviews of the race on Racevine, and the comments included "This was a VERY CHALLANGING HALF" and "The course is tougher than I thought it would be, but very scenic -- just be sure to include hills in your training."

I know I've been running a lot of hills recently, but I'm still scared!

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