My primary goal for Annadel tomorrow is simple yet extremely important: Do not get airlifted out of the park. That's right. I honestly don't care how long it takes me to run the damn course as long as no one has to call in the emergency helicopter.
And my secondary goal: Exchange race shirts. Because somehow, even though I registered for this race months ago and asked for a size S shirt, I ended up with XL. Seriously, how did that happen? I can understand maybe going to a medium if the smalls ran out, but XL? Fail!
And since we are talking about clothing, today while I was assembling my race outfit, I came across some of the tops I used to wear when I first started running.
I bought this shirt because it was on sale. I don't really understand the design -- is the extra fabric supposed to make you more aerodynamic? Or maybe there is a sailboat effect if the wind hits you at the right angle?
And then there's this shirt, which I loved because of the pocket. (These were the pre-SPIbelt days.) Unfortunately, now I prefer to run in racerbacks. (Also, this shirt is a little too short. Hopefully that's because it shrank, and not because I've gotten fatter.)
Anyway, for what it's worth, I will admit that even though I did lay out my clothes for tomorrow, pack my drop-bag and am already in my pajamas, I spent this afternoon wine-tasting. I hope this won't become a bad habit. (For the record: I spat. And drank a lot of water in between.)
I was pretty good about the diet, though: Vegetarian chili and potato salad from the Jimtown Store.
(By the way, this place was recently on that Guy Fieri show, so it was a complete madhouse. Lots of tour buses. And in case you're curious, apparently the current trend in wine country casual is extremely short dresses with knee-high boots -- like it's summer on top and winter on the bottom. Weird.)
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