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on boston

Before April 15, I had planned to write a post about how I no longer expect to qualify for Boston, about what it feels like to let...

packing for a triathlon

... should really be considered the first event. I remember when I did my first triathlon, I was so overwhelmed by the amount of...


I have an Olympic distance triathlon in less than 72 hours. And this is my WTF face. Because I don't feel ready. My only open-water...

a big, fancy-pants wine festival

Back from four days at Pebble Beach Food & Wine, where my pouring station at the Grand Tasting was directly beneath the speakers,...

seen on my ride

Today: Twenty-two solo miles, Chileno Valley Road. A spot I know all too well. Felt better on a bike -- even with an ugly headwind...

for I have sinned

I view my Monday morning green smoothies the way Catholics view confession: If I drink one of these, all the sins of the past...