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the off-season

Signs you are adrift in the off-season vortex and may possibly need an intervention (or at least 30 minutes on the trainer in Zone...

bathroom reading

This morning I was looking for my passport because the mister and I are going on a post-Ironman adventure to celebrate my Louisville...

that only took four years

Because I am an extraordinarily intelligent human being who respects her body and its need for recovery, I did the New York City...

the new york cat experience

I was in New York the past few days for a big fancy wine event. I tasted a lot of Barolo, ate some great meals (the chicken at Untitled...

because more is more

The other day I noticed my neighbors next door are planting a giant bamboo forest in front of their window. (OK, so it's not exactly...

IM louisville race report

True story: After the finish line, after the high-fives and the salty hugs, after I saw my time and did the math and realized...

made it to louisville

Not going to lie: Packing Minivan for the first time was scary. Pool noodles are the best bike packing life hack ever. But...


I love taper. I know some people hate it and feel restless, but I welcome the extra time and use it to get a lot of important life...

in the wee hours of the morning

She's lucky she's so damn cute. I woke up at 5:30 this morning to chase the kitten (who is not really a kitten anymore but...