Baked some buttermilk cookies yesterday. They tasted good (very good!), but they didn't turn out as pretty as the ones in the photo that accompanied the recipe. While those cookies were perfectly rounded and smooth, mine were sort of lumpy and uneven-looking. I know I shouldn't be picky because my cookies really were delicious, but presentation is important to me. I like my food to look as good as it tastes. Anyway, I guess I'm going to have to think more about this recipe and try to figure out what I need to do to make my cookies a little cuter.
In other food adventures, I finally -- finally! -- went to Cucina Paradiso last night. This restaurant reputedly serves up the best Italian food here in Chickenland (and there are lots of Italian restaurants here -- seems like there's one in every strip mall). I've been wanting to check it out for awhile now. The verdict? For the most part, I think it lived up to the hype, and I would definitely go back. The quality of the pasta was excellent -- I stole a taste of Todd's ravioli, and it was so fresh and the texture was so delicate. And I'm mad for the calamari salad -- warm calamari tossed with arugula and drizzled with olive oil -- so freaking good. The only thing I wasn't ecstatic about was the gnocchi, which was what I ordered for my main course. Everyone says Cucina Paradiso's gnocchi is the best thing ever, but I actually thought it was a little underdone and, well, mushy. But then again, I'm not a huge gnocchi-eater normally -- I usually find it too heavy. (Maybe "authentic" gnocchi is supposed to be mushy? I'm not Italian ... )
But finally going to Cucina Paradiso made me think about New Year's resolutions. I believe resolutions shouldn't be things you tell yourself not to do; instead, I like to think of the new year as the opportunity to do the things you've always wanted to do but, for some reason or another, have put off doing.
So in that vein, here are 10 restaurants I'd like to eat at this year (there are probably more, but I can't remember them all right now):
1. Quince in San Francisco: We met chef Michael Tusk at an auction in Santa Fe in 2006. (He made one of the courses during dinner, and Clos Du Val provided the wine, which is why we were there.) We were actually sitting at the same table as his parents, who were just so excited about their son's cooking abilities. So excited. To the point where toward the end of the evening, Michael Tusk's mother fell out of her chair. It was pretty much awesome.
2. south food + wine bar in San Francisco: New place focusing on food from Australia and New Zealand. Exactly what kind of food comes from Australia and New Zealand? I'm not sure. Which is why I want to eat here.
3. Azteca Market in St. Helena: I have no idea why I haven't been here yet. Their menu is characterized by three of my favorite things: burritos, amazing and dirt-cheap.
4. Gary Danko in San Francisco: I've heard the service here is out-of-this-world. We have friends who go every few months or so, and they always manage to score something free and fabulous (usually Champagne). Once, a server brought them a leftover bottle of Yquem that another table (stupidly!!!) abandoned. (How can you abandon Yquem?)
5. Peter Lowell's in Sebastopol: Todd actually applied for a job here last summer. I'm just really curious about the place. And I like Sebastopol. And Peter Lowell's is next door to a sushi restaurant that I really like.
6. Blue in Petaluma: New burgers and breakfast place. I love breakfast.
7. Underwood Bar & Bistro in Graton: Todd's been here, and he said it was good. I trust his opinion. Plus I'm really into exploring all the teeny-tiny towns in Sonoma. And Graton is very teeny-tiny!
8. Mister Magoo's in Petaluma: Within stumbling distance from our house. And supposedly they have a $14 Sunday brunch with unlimited mimosas. Bring it on.
9. Lolita's Market in Petaluma: Again with the quest for the best burrito ever.
10. Water Street Bistro in Petaluma: Good local breakfast spot that for some reason is always closed whenever I try to stop by. (Maybe I have bad timing?)
Gnocchi should *not* be mushy! I have been privy to the best gnocchi in the entire world at Palena in DC and I can assure you that they were like eating little puffy clouds of potatoes and cheese. Good gnocchi are ambrosial, but most are heavy and gluey. I must get back to Palena again...
Good lord, I think a trip to Cucina Paradiso is in order after the groupies shin-dig next Sunday!
I still can't believe I haven't been to Palena yet! Maybe we should plan a reunion there ...
Definitely down for Cucina Paradiso again! Although this time I think I'll stick to the ravioli.
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