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lunch break: sadly, this is it.

There are 205 wine shipments to be sent.

I stayed at the office late last night, studying a map of the U.S. that details shipping laws for each state. I spent all morning on Excel. I have to stuff 205 folders with 205 press kits and a fact sheet for each of the four wines that will be sent out. I have no idea what the Customer Product ID Number for any of these wines is. And I need to know. Now.

This reminds me of a story I heard in a past life, when people told me things about wine and I wrote it all down.

One woman said: "The amount of paperwork is ridiculous. I have to keep a grid that tells me what to do and when to do it for each state. It's frustrating."

Nothing can be more true at this very moment.

Free the grapes.

Because then I could go home at a normal time every night. And actually leave my desk to eat lunch.

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